Unkown Dutch Vessel

No Service of the Brigade has been found necessary during the year as far as actual wreck was concerned, but on Monday, 26th September 1949, at midnight the brigadesmen were called out when a message came through the District Officer at Seaham, stating that a small coaster was ashore in the fog just north of Frenchman’s Bay. The system of calling out the Brigadesmen by telephone and taxi was put into operation, and in very quick time some sixteen officers and men reported for duty. Proceeding immediately to the scene by lorry, a ship was found with her stem on the sands in the bay. The necessary gear was manhandled down the cliff side and communication was established. At this point the vessel refloated under her own power on the rising tide and proceeded away. Owing to the heavy fog and darkness we were unable to get her name or nationality, but it is believed that she was a Dutch vessel. We are glad to know that the crew were apparently safe and sound; we were on the spot to render assistance should that have been required.

Source: S.S.V.L.B. Minute Book 4